How does Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy work?
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy helps release pain and trauma by bringing full awareness and attention to your body to help it heal. The practitioner works with your skull, spine, and sacrum, as well as the rest of your body to increase flow of spinal fluids and energy throughout your subtle body, with a gentle and relaxing healing touch.
Does Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy differ from craniosacral therapy (CST)?
Traditional craniosacral therapy (CST) and Biodynamics emerged out of the field of osteopathy. The CST healing modality helps reduce stress and pain by addressing fluids and energies around bones and muscles of the head, spinal column, sacrum, meeting any part of the body by manipulating fluid and energy. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy follows an even gentler approach to healing. It’s about following the inherent healing process of the client’s body rather than trying to fix or make adjustments your body isn't ready for.
What training have you been through?
I studied with Scott Zamurut through the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America. Scott's trainings are normally 710 hours, take place in a group of 20 plus people, and are spread over 3 years. My training consisted of 2 years of small group leaning with Scott (3 students total) and was followed up with an additional 4 years of study and integration of the material in both larger group classes, small group classes and 1-on-1 tutoring and study with Scott directly. During my course of study I completed far more than 710 hours of training. As a comparison, the state of Oregon requires that Massage therapists undergo 625 hours of training. I have also completed an additional 84 hours of training with the Carol Gray Center for CST studies to be able to practice CST with Infants.
What inspired you to do this work?
I found that Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy was answering questions and giving me vocabulary for phenomena I had experienced while giving reiki sessions for years. It felt like a natural evolution for me, as it seemed to have a better and more complete model and healing process than reiki.
What does a session look like?
For most sessions you will spend the majority of your time on the table and I will place my hands at different locations on your body as the session unfolds. I always ask for consent before placing hand on your body. We stay in contact throughout the session, sharing what we are noticing. Clients are always fully clothed for all sessions.
What happens after a craniosacral therapy session?
You may feel relaxed, refreshed, or tired. Be sure to drink water and pay attention to what you notice over the next few days. This work is a catalyst for change to occur and often the real change comes 3 to 5 days after a session.
Do you offer discounts?
Yes. I offer generous discounts to people working in the field of Climate Change Mitigation. This work is infinitely important at this time and supporting people to avoid burnout is critical. Please see my Offerings page for more details about discounts.
What is meant by cranio-?
Cranio- relates to the skull or cranium, which is the part of the skull enclosing the brain.
What is the sacrum?
The sacrum is a triangular-shaped bone with five segments (S1-S5), that operate at the base of your spine.
What’s the significance of “Liquid Light” in your name?
Once as I was giving a distance reiki session I had the experience of seeing the client being bathed in liquid light. Later, when studying cranial work I discovered that Dr. Sutherland (the person who developed the work) said that cerebral spinal fluid was the most pure fluid in our bodies, like “liquid light.”
Regular light behaves like a wave or particle, traveling in a straight line. But under extreme conditions, light can also act like a liquid, and actually flow around objects. In its superfluid form, turbulence around obstacles is suppressed for liquid light, causing continuous, unaltered flow.
My goal as your Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist is to bring a similar “superfluid flow” to your body—physically and energetically.
What if I have other questions?
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